EATON RAPIDS BAND BOOSTERS is a 501(c)(3) organization.
That means that cash donations are tax deductible. Your support helps control the increasing cost of the band programs in Eaton Rapids.
Here is just a short list on how your generous donation will be used:
Middle and High School Bands Performance Assistance
Instrument purchases, upkeep and repairs
Specialized Instruction
Student Awards and Recognitions
Student Financial Aid
Student, Instrument and Equipment Transportation
Student Scholarships
Uniform Cleaning and Upkeep
Guest Clinicians
Our Officers and volunteers are not compensated, so all of the money goes directly to support our music programs.
Just click or scan the Venmo QR code to start your support.
You can make either a one time donation or set up recurring monthly payments.
Thank you for your support.
Eaton Rapids Band Boosters